Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Orlando Magic fans are very excited for their team

As Magic continues to have a success in the play off and one more victory away from the finals , the Magic fans are starting to believe that this is the time for Orlando Magic to win the NBA tittle. Two years ago no one ever think that Magic will be able to get on East Conference Final. Magic had a lot struggle in last last year play off. Many Analyst on NBA TV said that Magic was not a play off team that Magic will not be able to survive the First round or second round of play off. But , Magic came out and prove them wrong. The media did not stop underestimating Magic , All media were saying that Cleveland Cavaliers will sweep out Magic as we know now it did not happen , instead Orlando Magic was almost to sweep out Cleveland Cavaliers if it was not King James rescued Cleveland on game second. I think it is time that the media respects Orlando Magic because Magic has shown that they are better than Cleveland Cavaliers by taking the series in control against the team with the best record in this season.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the media favor cleveland Cavaliers than Orlando Magic.
